Include Text (in TOC)

What you need to know first: You do not normally require to use this code where a Heading style has already been applied to text on your document

Code Used: [rpsN] and [rpe]

What does it do?

It marks text to be included in the Table of Contents.  See also Invisible Text.

Where would it be used?

Wherever you wish text to be listed in the Table of Contents.

Usage in DBT:

[rps2]1. Migraine - can cause dizziness[rpe]

Produces in Braille:

#a4 ,migra9e -- c cause dizzi;s

And, when a Table of Contents is generated, this will contain:

  #a4 ,migra9e -- c cause dizzi;s

Let us explain!

The [rps2] and [rpe] codes have no effect on the braille where they are used. But, when a Table of Contents is generated, DBT copies the text between these codes into the generated Table of Contents. In our example, it is copied as a level-2 entry, so it is indented automatically where it appears in the Table of Contents

For the more technical:

[rpsN] -- Marks the beginning of text to be included in the table of contents. N is the "level" of the text within the TOC hierarchy, defaulting to 0 (highest). Use [vss]...[vse] if the text is not also to appear at the current position within the document, i.e. it is to appear ONLY in the TOC, for example: [rps2][vss]This heading appears only in the TOC[vse][rpe]

[rpe]Marks he end of the text to be included in the table of contents. (This is ignored when no [rpsN] comes before it.)