Absolute Tab

Also known as: Tab to column #

What you need to know first: Decimal Tabs

(See also: [lps], [tab...] and [tas...] and example with [lps])

Code Used: [taaP:A:F~X]

Keystroke: (None at present)

What does it do?

It places text to a specific column.

Where would it be used?

To position text very precisely. (Note how the characters in bold below are aligned precisely under each other)

Normal tab               Cents
Right tab          Dollars
Decimal tab            30.52
Centered tab           Total
Part fill tab ....... Part
Full fill tab............Full


Usage in DBT:

Normal tab [taa25]Cents
Right tab
Decimal tab
Centered tab
Part fill tab
Full fill tab

Produces in Braille:

,normal tab             ,c5ts

,"r tab           ,doll>s

,decimal tab         #cj.eb

,c5t]$ tab            ,mi4le

,"p fill tab -------- ,"p

,full fill tab----------,ful

Let us explain!

[taa25] on its own (or [taa25:l] causes the next word to begin in cell 25.

[taa25:l] (that is l for Lima) will cause the last character of the word which follows to be in cell 25.

[taa25:d] will position numbers such that the decimal points will occur in cell 25

[taa25:c] will attempt to center the word following on cell 25

[taa25:r:p~-] will align right and part fill with leader dots 3,6

[taa25:l:f~-] will align left and full fill with leader dots 3,6


You may position two or more word by using the Group Codes [:] and [;]

Take care with positioning since text can be overwritten. [taa] causes tabulation on the current line regardless of the current position.

A dash will give leader dots 3,5, a double quote (") dot 5. For other options see Miscellaneous: Embosser Character Table

For the more technical:

See [taaP:A:F~X] in the DBT Codes Quick Reference Topic