Historical Documentation

The documents listed in this section were prepared for earlier versions of the Duxbury Braille Translator. Since the time they were written, not only DBT itself but also the computer environment (e.g. the Microsoft Windows operating system) and even some braille conventions have changed. Consequently, these documents are to a certain extent obsolete and should always be regarded as having been superseded by the documentation elsewhere in this help system. Nevertheless, because backwards compatibility has always been an important consideration in DBT development, these documents retain some usefulness because they are mostly correct as far as they go. They may also provide additional background detail on DBT's older facilities and show how they serve as a basis for later, more powerful, facilities -- or may be used as an alternative. For example, the section entitled "How to Create a Table of Contents" in Chapter 5 of the Transcriber's Guide (BANA) correctly describes how a "list." or "outline." style may be used to create a TOC, but it naturally fails to mention an automatic means of generating a TOC that has been added to DBT since that document was written.

Each of the documents is identified by the file name of the "dxp" file, that is a file that may be opened and read in DBT itself. To find the file, navigate to the "Documentation (English)" subdirectory beneath the DBT installation directory (which is usually c:\duxbury but that may vary on your system). Some of these and similar documents, with slight variations on the name or contents, may also exist in the documentation subdirectories for languages other than English. The documents are listed according to the date of the last significant update, with the newest first.