Character Code Table - (U+11xx) - Korean

Note: The following table may not display all characters in the Char column on your system.  This is entirely dependent on the version of Windows you are running, and what Character Sets are installed. These fonts are built into Windows 7 and Windows Vista. In XP, when you use the Control Panel, Regional Settings, Languages, and click the boxes for Asian language support, this will add these fonts.

Text using these scripts can be imported from Microsoft Word into Duxbury DBT. If you use DBT 11.1 or above then use the Korean translator and then you will get the correct braille.

The way DBT 11.1 or above handles Korean text is quite non-standard. As files are imported from Microsoft Word, the Korean Hangul characters are deliberately broken down into their individual parts. This makes the DBT Korean file virtually unreadable on the screen. But the braille translator can make proper braille from this non-standard material.

Korean Script

Link to Unicode website about the U+11xx characters.

Link to Unicode website about the U+ACxx normal Hangul characters which are imported into DBT into the isolated U+11xx characters.


Char Unicode DUSCI Name
U+1100 D+E630 Korean Choseong KIYEOK
U+1101 D+E631 Korean Choseong SSANGKIYEOK
U+1102 D+E632 Korean Choseong NIEUN
U+1103 D+E633 Korean Choseong TIKEUT
U+1104 D+E634 Korean Choseong SSANGTIKEUT
U+1105 D+E635 Korean Choseong RIEUL
U+1106 D+E636 Korean Choseong MIEUM
U+1107 D+E637 Korean Choseong PIEUP
U+1108 D+E638 Korean Choseong SSANGPIEUP
U+1109 D+E639 Korean Choseong SIOS
U+110A D+E63A Korean Choseong SSANGSIOS
U+110B D+E63B Korean Choseong IEUNG
U+110C D+E63C Korean Choseong CIEUC
U+110D D+E63D Korean Choseong SSANGCIEUC
U+110E D+E63E Korean Choseong CHIEUCH
U+110F D+E63F Korean Choseong KHIEUKH
U+1110 D+E640 Korean Choseong THIEUTH
U+1111 D+E641 Korean Choseong PHIEUPH
U+1112 D+E642 Korean Choseong HIEUH
U+1113 D+E643 Korean Choseong NIEUN-KIYEOK
U+1114 D+E644 Korean Choseong SSANGNIEUN
U+1115 D+E645 Korean Choseong NIEUN-TIKEUT
U+1116 D+E646 Korean Choseong NIEUN-PIEUP
U+1117 D+E647 Korean Choseong TIKEUT-KIYEOK
U+1118 D+E648 Korean Choseong RIEUL-NIEUN
U+1119 D+E649 Korean Choseong SSANGRIEUL
U+111A D+E64A Korean Choseong RIEUL-HIEUH
U+111B D+E64B Korean Choseong KAPYEOUNRIEUL
U+111C D+E64C Korean Choseong MIEUM-PIEUP
U+111D D+E64D Korean Choseong KAPYEOUNMIEUM
U+111E D+E64E Korean Choseong PIEUP-KIYEOK
U+111F D+E64F Korean Choseong PIEUP-NIEUN
U+1120 D+E650 Korean Choseong PIEUP-TIKEUT
U+1121 D+E651 Korean Choseong PIEUP-SIOS
U+1122 D+E652 Korean Choseong PIEUP-SIOS-KIYEOK
U+1123 D+E653 Korean Choseong PIEUP-SIOS-TIKEUT
U+1124 D+E654 Korean Choseong PIEUP-SIOS-PIEUP
U+1125 D+E655 Korean Choseong PIEUP-SSANGSIOS
U+1126 D+E656 Korean Choseong PIEUP-SIOS-CIEUC
U+1127 D+E657 Korean Choseong PIEUP-CIEUC
U+1128 D+E658 Korean Choseong PIEUP-CHIEUCH
U+1129 D+E659 Korean Choseong PIEUP-THIEUTH
U+112A D+E65A Korean Choseong PIEUP-PHIEUPH
U+112B D+E65B Korean Choseong KAPYEOUNPIEUP
U+112D D+E65D Korean Choseong SIOS-KIYEOK
U+112E D+E65E Korean Choseong SIOS-NIEUN
U+112F D+E65F Korean Choseong SIOS-TIKEUT
U+1130 D+E660 Korean Choseong SIOS-RIEUL
U+1131 D+E661 Korean Choseong SIOS-MIEUM
U+1132 D+E662 Korean Choseong SIOS-PIEUP
U+1133 D+E663 Korean Choseong SIOS-PIEUP-KIYEOK
U+1134 D+E664 Korean Choseong SIOS-SSANGSIOS
U+1135 D+E665 Korean Choseong SIOS-IEUNG
U+1136 D+E666 Korean Choseong SIOS-CIEUC
U+1137 D+E667 Korean Choseong SIOS-CHIEUCH
U+1138 D+E668 Korean Choseong SIOS-KHIEUKH
U+1139 D+E669 Korean Choseong SIOS-THIEUTH
U+113A D+E66A Korean Choseong SIOS-PHIEUPH
U+113B D+E66B Korean Choseong SIOS-HIEUH
U+113C D+E66C Korean Choseong CHITUEUMSIOS
U+113E D+E66E Korean Choseong CEONGCHIEUMSIOS
U+1140 D+E670 Korean Choseong PANSIOS
U+1141 D+E671 Korean Choseong IEUNG-KIYEOK
U+1142 D+E672 Korean Choseong IEUNG-TIKEUT
U+1143 D+E673 Korean Choseong IEUNG-MIEUM
U+1144 D+E674 Korean Choseong IEUNG-PIEUP
U+1145 D+E675 Korean Choseong IEUNG-SIOS
U+1146 D+E676 Korean Choseong IEUNG-PANSIOS
U+1147 D+E677 Korean Choseong SSANGIEUNG
U+1148 D+E678 Korean Choseong IEUNG-CIEUC
U+1149 D+E679 Korean Choseong IEUNG-CHIEUCH
U+114A D+E67A Korean Choseong IEUNG-THIEUTH
U+114B D+E67B Korean Choseong IEUNG-PHIEUPH
U+114C D+E67C Korean Choseong YESIEUNG
U+114D D+E67D Korean Choseong CIEUC-IEUNG
U+114E D+E67E Korean Choseong CHITUEUMCIEUC
U+1150 D+E680 Korean Choseong CEONGCHIEUMCIEUC
U+1152 D+E682 Korean Choseong CHIEUCH-KHIEUKH
U+1153 D+E683 Korean Choseong CHIEUCH-HIEUH
U+1154 D+E684 Korean Choseong CHITUEUMCHIEUCH
U+1155 D+E685 Korean Choseong CEONGCHIEUMCHIEUCH
U+1156 D+E686 Korean Choseong PHIEUPH-PIEUP
U+1157 D+E687 Korean Choseong KAPYEOUNPHIEUPH
U+1158 D+E688 Korean Choseong SSANGHIEUH
U+1159 D+E689 Korean Choseong YEORINHIEUH
U+115F D+E68F Korean Choseong FILLER
U+1160 D+E690 Korean Jungseong FILLER
U+1161 D+E691 Korean Jungseong A
U+1162 D+E692 Korean Jungseong AE
U+1163 D+E693 Korean Jungseong YA
U+1164 D+E694 Korean Jungseong YAE
U+1165 D+E695 Korean Jungseong EO
U+1166 D+E696 Korean Jungseong E
U+1167 D+E697 Korean Jungseong YEO
U+1168 D+E698 Korean Jungseong YE
U+1169 D+E699 Korean Jungseong O
U+116A D+E69A Korean Jungseong WA
U+116B D+E69B Korean Jungseong WAE
U+116C D+E62C Korean Jungseong OE
U+116D D+E69D Korean Jungseong YO
U+116E D+E69E Korean Jungseong U
U+116F D+E69F Korean Jungseong WEO
U+1170 D+E6A0 Korean Jungseong WE
U+1171 D+E6A1 Korean Jungseong WI
U+1172 D+E6A2 Korean Jungseong YU
U+1173 D+E6A3 Korean Jungseong EU
U+1174 D+E6A4 Korean Jungseong YI
U+1175 D+E6A5 Korean Jungseong I
U+1176 D+E6A6 Korean Jungseong A-O
U+1177 D+E6A7 Korean Jungseong A-U
U+1178 D+E6A8 Korean Jungseong YA-O
U+1179 D+E6A9 Korean Jungseong YA-YO
U+117A D+E6AA Korean Jungseong EO-O
U+117B D+E6AB Korean Jungseong EO-U
U+117C D+E6AC Korean Jungseong EO-EU
U+117D D+E6AD Korean Jungseong YEO-O
U+117E D+E6AE Korean Jungseong YEO-U
U+117F D+E6AF Korean Jungseong O-EO
U+1180 D+E730 Korean Jungseong O-E
U+1181 D+E731 Korean Jungseong O-YE
U+1182 D+E732 Korean Jungseong O-O
U+1183 D+E733 Korean Jungseong O-U
U+1184 D+E734 Korean Jungseong YO-YA
U+1185 D+E735 Korean Jungseong YO-YAE
U+1186 D+E736 Korean Jungseong YO-YEO
U+1187 D+E737 Korean Jungseong YO-O
U+1188 D+E738 Korean Jungseong YO-I
U+1189 D+E739 Korean Jungseong U-A
U+118A D+E73A Korean Jungseong U-AE
U+118B D+E73B Korean Jungseong U-EO-EU
U+118C D+E73C Korean Jungseong U-YE
U+118D D+E73D Korean Jungseong U-U
U+118E D+E73E Korean Jungseong YU-A
U+118F D+E73F Korean Jungseong YU-EO
U+1190 D+E740 Korean Jungseong YU-E
U+1191 D+E741 Korean Jungseong YU-YEO
U+1192 D+E742 Korean Jungseong YU-YE
U+1193 D+E743 Korean Jungseong YU-U
U+1194 D+E744 Korean Jungseong YU-I
U+1195 D+E745 Korean Jungseong EU-U
U+1196 D+E746 Korean Jungseong EU-EU
U+1197 D+E747 Korean Jungseong YI-U
U+1198 D+E748 Korean Jungseong I-A
U+1199 D+E749 Korean Jungseong I-YA
U+119A D+E74A Korean Jungseong I-O
U+119B D+E74B Korean Jungseong I-U
U+119C D+E74C Korean Jungseong I-EU
U+119D D+E74D Korean Jungseong I-ARAEA
U+119E D+E74E Korean Jungseong ARAEA
U+119F D+E74F Korean Jungseong ARAEA-EO
U+11A0 D+E750 Korean Jungseong ARAEA-U
U+11A1 D+E751 Korean Jungseong ARAEA-I
U+11A2 D+E752 Korean Jungseong SSANGARAEA
U+11A8 D+E758 Korean Jongseong KIYEOK
U+11A9 D+E759 Korean Jongseong SSANGKIYEOK
U+11AA D+E75A Korean Jongseong KIYEOK-SIOS
U+11AB D+E75B Korean Jongseong NIEUN
U+11AC D+E75C Korean Jongseong NIEUN-CIEUC
U+11AD D+E75D Korean Jongseong NIEUN-HIEUH
U+11AE D+E75E Korean Jongseong TIKEUT
U+11AF D+E75F Korean Jongseong RIEUL
U+11B0 D+E760 Korean Jongseong RIEUL-KIYEOK
U+11B1 D+E761 Korean Jongseong RIEUL-MIEUM
U+11B2 D+E762 Korean Jongseong RIEUL-PIEUP
U+11B3 D+E763 Korean Jongseong RIEUL-SIOS
U+11B4 D+E764 Korean Jongseong RIEUL-THIEUTH
U+11B5 D+E765 Korean Jongseong RIEUL-PHIEUPH
U+11B6 D+E766 Korean Jongseong RIEUL-HIEUH
U+11B7 D+E767 Korean Jongseong MIEUM
U+11B8 D+E768 Korean Jongseong PIEUP
U+11B9 D+E769 Korean Jongseong PIEUP-SIOS
U+11BA D+E76A Korean Jongseong SIOS
U+11BB D+E76B Korean Jongseong SSANGSIOS
U+11BC D+E76C Korean Jongseong IEUNG
U+11BD D+E76D Korean Jongseong CIEUC
U+11BE D+E76E Korean Jongseong CHIEUCH
U+11BF D+E76F Korean Jongseong KHIEUKH
U+11C0 D+E770 Korean Jongseong THIEUTH
U+11C1 D+E771 Korean Jongseong PHIEUPH
U+11C2 D+E772 Korean Jongseong HIEUH
U+11C3 D+E773 Korean Jongseong KIYEOK-RIEUL
U+11C4 D+E774 Korean Jongseong KIYEOK-SIOS-KIYEOK
U+11C5 D+E775 Korean Jongseong NIEUN-KIYEOK
U+11C6 D+E776 Korean Jongseong NIEUN-TIKEUT
U+11C7 D+E777 Korean Jongseong NIEUN-SIOS
U+11C8 D+E778 Korean Jongseong NIEUN-PANSIOS
U+11C9 D+E779 Korean Jongseong NIEUN-THIEUTH
U+11CA D+E77A Korean Jongseong TIKEUT-KIYEOK
U+11CB D+E77B Korean Jongseong TIKEUT-RIEUL
U+11CC D+E77C Korean Jongseong RIEUL-KIYEOK-SIOS
U+11CD D+E77D Korean Jongseong RIEUL-NIEUN
U+11CE D+E77E Korean Jongseong RIEUL-TIKEUT
U+11CF D+E77F Korean Jongseong RIEUL-TIKEUT-HIEUH
U+11D0 D+E780 Korean Jongseong SSANGRIEUL
U+11D1 D+E781 Korean Jongseong RIEUL-MIEUM-KIYEOK
U+11D2 D+E782 Korean Jongseong RIEUL-MIEUM-SIOS
U+11D3 D+E783 Korean Jongseong RIEUL-PIEUP-SIOS
U+11D4 D+E784 Korean Jongseong RIEUL-PIEUP-HIEUH
U+11D5 D+E785 Korean Jongseong RIEUL-KAPYEOUNPIEUP
U+11D6 D+E786 Korean Jongseong RIEUL-SSANGSIOS
U+11D7 D+E787 Korean Jongseong RIEUL-PANSIOS
U+11D8 D+E788 Korean Jongseong RIEUL-KHIEUKH
U+11D9 D+E789 Korean Jongseong RIEUL-YEORINHIEUH
U+11DA D+E78A Korean Jongseong MIEUM-KIYEOK
U+11DB D+E78B Korean Jongseong MIEUM-RIEUL
U+11DC D+E78C Korean Jongseong MIEUM-PIEUP
U+11DD D+E78D Korean Jongseong MIEUM-SIOS
U+11DE D+E78E Korean Jongseong MIEUM-SSANGSIOS
U+11DF D+E78F Korean Jongseong MIEUM-PANSIOS
U+11E0 D+E790 Korean Jongseong MIEUM-CHIEUCH
U+11E1 D+E791 Korean Jongseong MIEUM-HIEUH
U+11E2 D+E792 Korean Jongseong KAPYEOUNMIEUM
U+11E3 D+E793 Korean Jongseong PIEUP-RIEUL
U+11E4 D+E794 Korean Jongseong PIEUP-PHIEUPH
U+11E5 D+E795 Korean Jongseong PIEUP-HIEUH
U+11E6 D+E796 Korean Jongseong KAPYEOUNPIEUP
U+11E7 D+E797 Korean Jongseong SIOS-KIYEOK
U+11E8 D+E798 Korean Jongseong SIOS-TIKEUT
U+11E9 D+E799 Korean Jongseong SIOS-RIEUL
U+11EA D+E79A Korean Jongseong SIOS-PIEUP
U+11EB D+E79B Korean Jongseong PANSIOS
U+11EC D+E72C Korean Jongseong IEUNG-KIYEOK
U+11ED D+E79D Korean Jongseong IEUNG-SSANGKIYEOK
U+11EE D+E79E Korean Jongseong SSANGIEUNG
U+11EF D+E79F Korean Jongseong IEUNG-KHIEUKH
U+11F0 D+E7A0 Korean Jongseong YESIEUNG
U+11F1 D+E7A1 Korean Jongseong YESIEUNG-SIOS
U+11F2 D+E7A2 Korean Jongseong YESIEUNG-PANSIOS
U+11F3 D+E7A3 Korean Jongseong PHIEUPH-PIEUP
U+11F4 D+E7A4 Korean Jongseong KAPYEOUNPHIEUPH
U+11F5 D+E7A5 Korean Jongseong HIEUH-NIEUN
U+11F6 D+E7A6 Korean Jongseong HIEUH-RIEUL
U+11F7 D+E7A7 Korean Jongseong HIEUH-MIEUM
U+11F8 D+E7A8 Korean Jongseong HIEUH-PIEUP
U+11F9 D+E7A9 Korean Jongseong YEORINHIEUH