Layout: Line Codes: New Paragraph

Keystroke: Ctrl + m

This keystroke has three different behaviors, depending on where the cursor is in a document.

When the cursor is at the end of a linear style (i.e. at the end of a paragraph), then this style ends the style, starts ta new linear style "paragraph" with the same linear style applied, and places the cursor within this new empty paragraph.  This makes Ctrl+m a very useful shortcut to know when typing text directly into DBT.

When the cursor is in the middle of a linear style, then this style splits the linear style into two "paragraphs", each with the same linear style applied.  (In this sense, it works somewhat like the opposite of Layout: Join Styles.)

When the cursor is in text that isn't in a linear style," New Paragraph inserts a code to start a new paragraph. For print, a paragraph is normally indicated by a skipped line. For braille, the first line is indented. The paragraphing behavior can be modified with special coding.

Advanced users may wish to customize which codes are inserted by using the Shortcut Preferences dialog available through the Global menu.  However please note that this will only affect what is described in the previous paragrah.