Other Mathematics Data Entry Methods

This Page is for Data Entry Methods other than MathType, Scientific Notebook, and direct entry into DBT.

Here is what is covered in this page:

  1. Use Office math shortcuts to enter math as Office Math Markup Language (OMML) equations. Then use MathType to convert the OMML equations to MathType equations.
  2. Enter math in Word without using MathType or creating OMML equations.
  3. Use a LaTeX editor to create a .tex file to open in DBT.
  4. Work with a TeX or LaTeX file created in other ways, e.g., created in a different math word processor (perhaps by the professor), created from math OCR with InftyReader or MathPix, etc.

Here are the details:

  1. Using Office math shortcuts and converting from OMML to MathType has the advantages of using MathType but makes data entry more accessible. The accessible data entry method is to press Alt+Equals to start a math expression and then use appropriate shortcuts for entering the math notation. For information on this method of data entry, consult any of the documents at the external links below: As an example, in Word 2007 or higher, press Alt+= and type (\sqrt(x^2 + 1)/2 Then press space to get out of the math entry box. You can also left click or press Control+RightArrow to get out of the math entry box. To convert from this format of OMML equations, go to MathType, Format Equations, Convert Equations, and select convert to MathType equations.
    [Note: There are also occasions to check the option Convert MathType or Equation Editor equations, for example if data entry was done in the pre-Word 2007 Equation Editor, or if the data entry was done on a different platform (Mac vs. Windows).]
    In case the starting file has OMML equations, start by converting from OMML to MathType. Use the instructions for this item as appropriate.
  2. Entering math directly in Word, when normal keyboard entry is sufficient. This works better than you might expect in simple situations. If you are working with DBT 12.4 or higher, insert the code for technical notation start at the start of each segment of math notation and the code for technical notation end at the end of it; apply the style Uncontracted to any problem label within the segment.
  3. You may find other LaTeX editors (other than Scientific Notebook).
  4. LaTeX files from professors or from InftyReader are very nice when available. This happens most often in a college setting.