Scientific Notebook

NOTICE: MacKichan Software officially went out of business in 2021. This topic remains for reference only.

Scientific Notebook, which produces "LaTeX" files, has been a popular product in many educational, scientific, and professional settings. Scientific Notebook files may be imported into DBT for translation into braille.

This program is no longer being produced. For more information, see the MacKichan Software website:


To do mathematics, you can use the combination of Scientific Notebook (SN) and Duxbury's LaTeX importer.

You can create your inkprint mathematics documents, print them out as inkprint or large print as you may require. Then, you can save the file, open your Scientific Notebook LaTeX file in DBT, and translate it to braille.

Here are some examples of math equations followed by the associated braille using Nemeth Code (American math) braille:

Image - A series of three displays ink print with braille maths below.
x^2"+y^3 .k z^=

Image shows second equation in print
#2(x)+3(y+12) .k #3?x/y#(y-6)^2

Image shows third equation in print


Duxbury Systems supports Scientific Notebook 5.5. Scientific Notebook 6 is not compatible with DBT.

Technically, this topic should really not be under "Working with Word" given that Scientific Notebook is a separate editor program that creates its own files. However, as it covers an alternate means of producing mathematical braille, it is here for completeness.