Producing Nemeth Code within UEB

We have set up tools in DBT so that working in Word, using MathType from Design Science as an add-on for inserting technical notation (i.e., mathematical expressions, comparisons, and the like), leads to efficient production of braille math. Choosing the appropriate DBT template gives the desired braille math code. If you create a Word document or LaTeX file as described below and choose the DBT template English (UEB) - BANA with Nemeth, DBT produces UEB with Nemeth Code math. If you take the same Word document or LaTeX file and choose the DBT template English (UEB) - BANA, DBT produces UEB with UEB math.

As an alternative to using MathType, a user may choose instead to work directly in DBT, in Word without MathType, or in Scientific Notebook or another math word processing program that creates LaTeX.

BANA Guidelines

For Nemeth material within UEB, Duxbury Systems has been working to follow the BANA guidelines. The guidelines, Provisional Guidance for Transcription Using the Nemeth Code within UEB Contexts, can be found at:

Please use the above link to get full instructions. Here is the guiding principle:

This method of switching between the Nemeth Code and Unified English Braille has been developed to ensure the continued viability of the use of the Nemeth Code for mathematics. The necessity for this adaptation, which is similar to the current use of switching to computer braille code for email addresses and the like, stems from two basic issues:

In current Nemeth code transcriptions, the non-mathematical text that surrounds the mathematics is based on English Braille, American Edition (EBAE), which is being replaced by Unified English Braille (UEB). If the surrounding text were to continue to be in EBAE, then, in order to use Nemeth Code, braille users and producers would need to be familiar with two sets of rules for contractions, capitalization, emphasis, punctuation, spacing, and so on. Such a requirement would be especially burdensome in the long term to future braille users and producers who learn braille according to UEB symbols and rules and would then need to learn old rules that have been replaced.

As the use of electronic means to read and write in both print and braille proliferates, the need for accurate translation both from print to braille and from braille to print becomes an increasingly critical consideration. An unanbiguous switching method eliminates code conflicts and makes it possible for accurate translation in either direction to occur, so that mathematics can be communicated between print users and braille users using Nemeth Code.

Special Notes: Problem Identifiers and One-Word Switch

We made sure to support item 4 in the Additional Guidelines section of the Provisional Guidelines referenced above:

"4. In a numbered or lettered series of math problems that are in Nemeth code, leave Nemeth mode in effect for the identifiers to avoid excessive switching, even though these identifiers are not technically part of the math."

We also made sure to support item 4 in the section Basic Guidance on when to Switch:

To avoid use of switch indicators when a single word standing alone occurs between two math expressions, a one-word switch indicator (6, 3) may be used in Nemeth mode to indicate that the following word is in UEB. Contractions may be used in the subsequent word. The one-word switch indicator should precede the word whether or not it contains contractions. Otherwise, no contractions are used in Nemeth mode. ...

The Basics

The DBT template called English (UEB) - BANA with Nemeth is intended for producing UEB material that uses Nemeth Code for technical notation. Whether you are working in Word with MathType and the BANA Braille template, in Word without one of those tools, in Scientific Notebook or a similar program, or directly in DBT, that is the template to use for producing Nemeth Code within UEB.

There are three styles in this DBT template that are especially important for producing Nemeth Code within UEB. They are:

When translating into braille, the style math starts by inserting the start Nemeth indicator, dots 456, 146 followed by space and switching into Nemeth Code translation. It ends by switching back to UEB translation and inserting the end Nemeth indicator, space followed by dots 456, 156.

The style math-TextInMath does not insert any indicators in the braille. It is meant for words and problem identifiers which are in a Nemeth context but do not contain technical notation.

When translating into braille, the style OneWordBridge inserts dots 6, 3, switches the translation to UEB, and then switches translation back to Nemeth Code. Used for one word of text between two segments of technical notation, it implements the "one-word switch" described in the provisional guidelines referenced above.

Both of the styles math-TextInMath and OneWordBridge are meant to be nested within the math style in DBT, to avoid the use of indicators for switching in and out of Nemeth Code.

Labels for Problems that Consist Entirely of Technical Notation

One important use for the style math-TextInMath is for problem labels in a list of problems that consist entirely of technical notation. As specified in the Provisional Guidelines in Additional Guideline #4, in this situation problem labels should be brailled in Nemeth Code, to avoid the need for indicators to switch out of Nemeth Code and then back again. If problem labels were done in the math style, the period would be brailled as dots 46 and letters would not get the letter sign. On the other hand, when using the style math-TextInMath for problem labels, the period is brailled as dots 456, 256 as desired, and letters get the letter sign as desired.

Working with Word files (using MathType)

If you are working in Word, with or without MathType, we recommend using the BANA Braille Word template (sometimes called the "Susan Christensen Word Template").

What Happens Automatically

When you use Word with Mathtype, all of the MathType objects are automatically brought into DBT as technical notation, each one marked separately with the style math. Any text entered in MathType with MathType's text style is automatically brought into DBT with the math-TextInMath style. If you follow the instructions in the next paragraph, other things are also brought into DBT in the desired way.

Manual Intervention in Word

Let's say you want to set up a section consisting of several MathType objects and perhaps some problem labels and some one-word text connectors. We give this the informal name "pass-through in math section." At the start of this section insert the text [[*idle~ptims*]], which works as a code for the DBT importer; at the end insert the text [[*idle~ptime*]], another code for the DBT importer. If you are working with the BANA Braille template in Word, you will find buttons for inserting and hiding these codes in the Nemeth codes menu (hotkeys Alt followed by X Y Y K) in Add-Ins (Alt followed by X). These buttons are called Text In Math Start (Alt followed by X Y Y K S) and Text In Math End (Alt followed by X Y Y K E). In the Nemeth menu (Alt followed by X Y Y J) in Add-Ins you will Also find a control for applying the style OneWordBridge (Alt followed by X Y Y J O). For any one-word text connector, use the Braille menu to apply the Word style OneWordBridge.

When you open the Word document in DBT, the entire pass-through in math section is marked with the math style, to put the start and end Nemeth indicators around the whole section, not around individual items within it. Within the math style material, all of the problem labels are marked with the style math-TextInMath. Any Word that you marked with the OneWordBridge style in the BANA Braille template in Word is marked automatically with the OneWordBridge style in DBT.

Working in Word Without MathType

If you are working in Word without MathType, we also recommend using the BANA Braille Word template. Without MathType, you need a different way to specify where the technical notation is. Insert the text [[*ts*]], which acts as a "technical notation start" code for the DBT importer, and the text [[*te*]], which acts as a "technical notation end" code for the DBT importer. If working in the BANA Braille template in Word, just use the buttons called Technical Notation Start (hotkeys Alt followed by X Y Y K N) and Technical Notation End (Alt followed by X Y Y K O), in the Nemeth Codes menu in Add-Ins. These buttons insert the codes [[*ts*]] and [[*te*]] as hidden text in Word. To create a pass through in math section, insert the text [[*idle~ptims*]] and [[*idle~ptime*]] at the start and end. As mentioned above, there are buttons for doing this in the BANA Braille template. The buttons, called Text In Math Start (hotkeys Alt followed by X Y Y K S) and Text In Math End (Alt followed by X Y Y K E), are in the Nemeth Codes menu in Add-Ins. When preparing UEB, either with Nemeth math or with UeB math, there is no reason to use the buttons Technical Context Start and Technical Context End in the Nemeth Codes menu. These are useful only when preparing pre-UEB Nemeth Code.

Working in Scientific Notebook

When you work in Scientific Notebook, each item of technical notation that you enter in math mode is brought into DBT marked with the math style. As in Word, you can create a pass through in math section, to put the math style around the whole section, not around individual items. To create a pass through in math section in Scientific Notebook, start and end respectively with the keywords ImportStayInMathStart and ImportStayInMathEnd. There are no buttons in Scientific Notebook for entering these keywords. But if you enter them in the text, as if they are part of the text, they have the desired effect.

Working Directly in DBT

When working directly in DBT, for a section consisting entirely of technical notation, problem labels, and up to one word at a time of text between technical notation, highlight the entire section, press F8 to apply a style, and select math for the style. Within this section, highlight any problem label and apply the style math-TextInMath. For any single word of text within this section, highlight the word and apply the style OneWordBridge.