Turkish   Flag of Turkey

There is only one Template for Turkish: Turkish - basic

For the details about the DBT translator used by Turkish: click here.

Contracted Braille

Turkish is usually produced in contracted braille. This means that words are not produced in braille on a one-for-one basis. There are abbreviations or contractions in the text. If you have questions about how braille is produced, please contact a member of the relevant braille authority.

Sometimes, you may want to produce uncontracted braille. This is easy to do with DBT. Before translation into braille, go to the top of the document in DBT, and press Alt-1. When you translate into braille, the braille will be uncontracted

Turkish Contraction Levels

Turkish schools use 6 different forms of braille:

DBT can produce all 6 forms of braille. Once you have a DBT inkprint Turkish file, on the Document Menu, there is a choice Learning Level. You can select uncontracted, a Learning Level, or fully contracted Turkish braille.