The Anatomy of a Template

Note: This discussion is in its early stages. It is intended to be an orientation to what makes up a DBT template.

To begin, you can think of a template as a skeleton for the document you are starting to create. Templates contain a number of important elements which combine to produce the correct braille for a given language, braille authority, and often for a specific purpose, such as producing math.

The essential elements of a template are:

In addition, customized templates can contain initial standard blocks of text ("boiler plate text") that regularly should appear in the documents that it is used for.

Also, when a template is opened and used for a document, the selected output device (braille embosser) and its configuration settings are copied into the document and saved along with the template and the document text.

As an initial example of "what goes on" in a DBT template, you might look at the break-out done for the English UK Formatting template, here.