Styles to Control Capitalization and Line Breaks

The first two styles below deal with "CAPITALIZATION" indicators. The third lets you dictate to DBT where to place a line break if the break DBT applies is not appropriate.

These styles originated with the "English (UEB) - Australian Formatting" template. With thanks to our colleagues at the Australian Braille Authority, we have added them to all the UEB templates.


If a string of capitalized text contains two semantically different items, those items should be capitalized separately. DBT can't detect the semantic difference between the items, so without intervention they are translated as one capitalized passage. Insert a CapBreak style, with no enclosed text, or the code [xcs] at the point where the capitals should be separated.

Note: Never enclose text within the CapBreak style!

Example 1: DOSBox

Insert the style CapBreak before "Box", like this: DOS<CapBreak></CapBreak>Box

to get a separate capitalization mark on the second syllable: ,,dos,box

Example 2: CO2

In chemistry, capitalize each letter separately. Insert the style CapBreak before the "O", like this: C<CapBreak></CapBreak>O[bs]2[be]

to get: ,c,o;5#b

(Note also that DBT codes were added for the subscript, "2".)

Example 3a: PLEASE LEAVE NOW. I am not interested.

You do not need to do anything here. The UEB translator recognizes the separation when the first segment ends with punctuation and the second segment starts with an isolated capital letter. However, inserting the CapBreak style would not cause a problem.

Example 3b: PLEASE LEAVE NOW—I am not interested.

In this example you do need to insert the CapBreak style. Insert it before the word "I".


When a passage of capitalized words contains line breaks for formatting purposes, e.g., in a poem or centered block of text, DBT normally translates each line as a separate block of capitals. Surround all of the material with either the CapTgr style or the codes [ucs] and [uce] to force DBT to translate the text as one continuous capitalized passage.

Example 4 (a centered heading on two lines):


Apply the style CapTgr to this entire heading to have it create a single caps passage, rather than two separate ones.


When a segment of text without any spaces is too long to fit on a braille line, insert the Continuation style at your preferred breaking point. This style inserts dot 5, the UEB continuation indicator, and resumes the text on the next line (at the current runover position). This is especially useful for long URLs, email addresses, and UEB math expressions.

As of DBT 12.2, for a long item that requires two line breaks, DBT handles the first line break automatically. We recommend inserting the Continuation style at a good spot for the second line break.

Note: Never enclose any text in the Continuation style!

Example 5 (a URL):

To braille this for a line width of 40 characters per line, you might insert the Continuation style just before the word "introduction". The result is:


Note: For the interested, the same result displayed in ASCII braille is:
