What's new in DBT 11.1 (SR3)

Languages and Braille:

Afrikaans braille to print now supported (Afrikaans print to braille has been supported for years).

Armenian (Eastern and Western) print-to-braille translations have been refined.

Czech print to braille has fixes for some of the accented letters.

Mathematics braille translation for British math is further improved.

English has improved handling of quotation marks.

German print to braille has fixes for several contractions.

Icelandic has better handling of emphasis.

The print-to-braille and the braille-to-print translations for the languages of India have been improved and have been made more consistent.

Punctuation and numbers are handled better in the Korean translator. The Korean braille to print translator has been substantially improved.

Portuguese now supports hyphenation.

Russian (and other Cyrillic languages) have revised logic for punctuation within numbers.

Swedish now handles hard spaces.

Extensive improvements in Filipino/Tagalog braille to print.

Tigrinya (a major language of Ethiopia) is now supported.

Newly Added Embossers and Embosser Support:

Index V4 Embossers

Enabling Technology Phoenix Embosser

Index Braille Box Embosser

Braillo 300 Embosser

Braillo 650 S&F Embosser

Braillo graphics for Braillo 200 and Braillo 300 (Limited Support)

Other Notable Features and Fixes of SR3:

New version of SWIFT works with 64-bit builds of MS Word 2010.

Improved imports of Word docx format files, including proper handling for print page breaks.

Insertion of GOODFEEL music files, a feature which had stopped working as of version 11.1, has been restored.

Improvements to the table handling functions new as of version 11.1. DBT now correctly handles files that consist solely of very large tables.

Greater overall program stability, especially in table processing.

Expanded support of HTML exports: varieties of emphasis, additional characters, and support for tabular material.

Support for a new file format created by MegaDots 2.5. This allows importing Braille Word files using the BANA/2010 template.

What's new in DBT 11.1 (SR2)

JAWS scripts:

- Stability fix(es) and at least one usability fix: translated line voice has been set to be a slightly slower than normal reading voice.

Translation fixes (except where otherwise noted, the improvements amount to fixes to a small set of characters that were not previously properly handled):

- Several British and American mathematics translation fixes.

- Dzongha tables now take "2010" code revision into account. More fixes may be needed (and may yet happen before the SR is released).

- Indic tables have correct a minor translation issue.

- Western Amermian print-to-braille translation of certain punctuation has been improved.

- Eastern Armenian print-to-braille and braille-to-print has been improved in several respects.

- Tibetan print-to-braille translation has been improved. [lng~en] code must now be used for any English text included in a Tibetan document.

- Uzbek print-to-braille translation has been improved.

- Serbian print-to-braille translation has been improved.

- Mongolian print-to-braille translation has been improved.

- Tajik print-to-braille translation has been improved.

- Japanese print-to-braille translation has been improved.

- Lao print-to-braille translation has been improved.

- Thai print-to-braille translation has been improved.

- Georgian print-to-braille translation has been improved.

- Farsi print-to-braille translation has been improved.

- Dari and Pushto print-to-braille translations have been improved.

- Arabic braille-to-print now supports contracted braille.

- Arabic print-to-braille translation has been improved.

- Kirghiz print-to-braille translation in [cz] mode has been improved.

Embosser improvements:

- Nippon Telesoft "Super Gemini" is supported.

- Installer corrects virtualization of Embosser definitions "for all users". After installation, each user should be sure to run the newest build (e.g. DBT 11.1 SR2) at least once before looking back at a older build (e.g. DBT 10.7).

Other fixes:

- Tabular input from Scientific Notebook and Infty Reader will now be formatted by DBT's table formatter.

What's new in DBT 11.1 (SR1)

DBT 11.1 SR1 is a very important maintenance release. It addresses the following issues and more:

May we take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for your feedback.

What's new in DBT 11.1?

Office 2007 and 2010

Support is now provided to enable import of Word and Excel files from Office 2007 and 2010.

Open Office

Support is now provided to enable import of word processing and spreadsheet documents from Open Office.

Translation Tables

DBT now includes braille tables for over 130 languages.


Many new Templates have been added - see Template Listing for a list of Templates included with DBT 11.1 SR3.

MATH translation greatly improved
MathType import

Many improvements have been made to the import of MathType equations from Word including basic Matrices. Word 2007 and 2010 files including MathType may also be imported.

Braille to print translation

Greatly improved and now supported in many more languages

Language Table Switching

Switch between language tables using the new [lnb~xxx] Code.

This differs from the [lng...] Code in so much as it is a "Table Switch" using the actual braille code for the selected language.

Learning Tables

To assist in teaching braille, special tables are included to support a number of approved braille teaching courses. In addition to the existing 2 BANA courses, 3 have been added for BAUK/UKAAF braille and 2 for UEB. If a braille learner is following one of these courses, additional material can be produced matching the current level the student has reached. (Click here for more details)

DBT New Table Menu

You can now create tables in DBT.

Word - Table importer

DBT will now recognize Word tables on import.

DBT - Word Importer

Additional options allow you to ignore emphasis and language switching.

Hyperlink handling (Global menu item)

You can now select how Hyperlinks are imported into documents.

Embosser handling

Various improvements and support of new embossers, including Enabling Romeo Attache and Attache Pro (2nd Edition) and the "Cosmo" embosser.

Support for TransSend

An inexpensive safe solution for print and braille on the same page from Enabling Technologies.

Unicode expanded support: 26##

There is increasing use of Unicode characters in today's documents making it easy to translate many Indic, Han and other non-Roman fonts.

In many instances, DBT will now insert a description into the text rather than simply ignore, add an asterisk, or the Unicode Value.

For example, if your Word document shows something like -"☎ - 0123 456 7890" when the file is imported into DBT it will appear as "(black telephone) - 0123 456 7890".

These descriptions can be edited by experienced users.

Help: Translate

Provided you have an Internet connection, a new item in DBT's Help menu, allows you to obtain an approximate translation of the Help system. However, please bear in mind that computer based language translation does have limitations, and that Duxbury Systems, Inc. have no control over the accuracy of the translation.

Swedish Interface

DBT now has a Swedish User Interface.

This is in addition to Danish, German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Portugal and Brazil) and Russian.