Print Page Numbers (Parameters)

Code Used: [svlesN:M:L:P]

Keystroke: (None at present)

What does it do?

It sets the parameters for the treatment of Reference (or Print) Page Numbers when using the [lea] Code described in Print Page Numbers.

Where would it be used?

This code is often used in the initial style of templates to adapt formatting of reference page numbers to meet local requirements.

The following example is one of the Codes described in Styles: The "initial" Style to accommodate UKAAF (formerly BAUK) recommendations

Usage in DBT:

End of the meeting.
Next meeting date:
23rd April 2006.

Produces in Braille:

,5d (! meet+4


,next meet+ date3

#bj? ,april #bjjf4

Let us explain!

N determines the treatment at the point of the page break: 0 for American style (a full line of dots 3-6 to the number flush right), 1 for British (RNIB) style (the number centered, preceded by dot 5, 25).

M determines the treatment on continuing pages: 0 for American (a, b ... prefixes on continuation pages, 1 for British (unprefixed).

L determines the "bottom tolerance", i.e. the number of lines that must be available at the bottom of the page AFTER the print page break indicator line.

P determines the initial text position after the page break: 0 for the left margin, 1 for the runover margin. (If no value is entered, the default will be 0.

If all four values are defaulted, the settings are restored to values as at the file beginning, which are N=0, M=0, L=2 and P=0 respectively. If one or more values are specified, any unspecified values remain unchanged.